Chad L. Perrin
Loveland, CO
Selected Skills
- Software Development (Web, Tooling, Open Source, Library, Application)
- Programming (Ruby, Python, JavaScript, C)
- Process (TDD/BDD, Refactoring, Pairing, OOP, FP, Agile)
- Documentation and Process Development
- Version Control, Centralized and Distributed (Fossil, Git, Hg, SVN)
I have acquired and practiced a number of other skills, including several unlisted programming languages, that are not relevant to my preferred career path at this time. I would be happy to discuss some of them with employers interested in me for above mentioned development and peripheral skills.
Selected Experience (Fort Collins, CO and Telecommute)
Member of Technical Staff (March 2017 to February 2018)
web, tooling, and integration software development with Ruby, Python, and Unix shells
documentation development, maintenance, and review
system and network maintenance, management, and monitoring, using open source tools, and operating systems including CentOS, FreeBSD, and Ubuntu
system specification, deployment, decommissioning
backup auditing and management using ZFS and rsync based backup systems and custom tools
network and system security
installer development and build automation for custom OS configurations using continuous integration tools and heavy shell and Ruby scripting
a wide variety of other tasks as needed
Radial Development Group (Loveland, CO and Telecommute)
Software Developer (April 2015 to October 2016)
I employed Ruby on Rails, Python and Django, and jQuery and React based JavaScript toolsets to work in every stage of web application development. TDD and BDD, pair programming, code review, and other agile methodology techniques played important roles in much of my work, as well as tools such as Git distributed version control, continuous integration services, and cloud hosting services. I worked in various company roles, such as project lead developer and "SpecDev" operator (filling in where needed to catch projects up on goals). I was instrumental in:
- bringing clients from zero to MVP, then to profitability
- designing and developing reliable, flexible APIs
- training new employees and junior developers
- refactoring and upgrading legacy systems
- planning project sprints, plus documenting and improving dev process
- fixing thousands of security issues for client projects
- accomplishing complex third-party API integrations
- implementing tricky features in very few lines of clear, obvious code
- designing software architectures, sometimes building them from scratch where existing tools were inappropriate to the task or simply inadequate
Consulting, Nonprofit, and Open Source (Fort Collins and Loveland, CO)
Copyfree Initiative Founder/Director (Jun 2007 to Present)
I have been primary content and software developer, priority manager, social janitor, and volunteer wrangler for an unincorporated nonprofit association, and performed other tasks at all levels as required. Developed software, mostly web development using Ruby and Sinatra, as well as tooling and library development in Ruby. Employed other technologies including FreeBSD service jails, NGINX reverse proxy, and Fossil SCM version control.
FreeBSD Port Maintainer (Oct 2011 to Present)
I maintained and updated the xsel-conrad port for FreeBSD the ports system.
Open Source Contributor (2005 to Present)
I have contributed to a number of projects over the years, from compilers to libraries, and started contributing substantial improvements to a BDD testing library for C called bdd-for-c that I use in my C projects, such as a todo-queue manager called q.
Ruby Gem Maintainer (Jan 2012 to Present)
I created and maintain a number of Ruby gems, including the following.
CharsetMove: a simple tool for safely changing filenames from Unicode to ASCII character sets
Droll: a dice-rolling simulator library for use in various games, including roleplaying games with sophisticated dice-based rule systems, plus command line and IRC dicebot front ends
FossGit: a tool for creating and updating mirrors of Fossil SCM repositories as Git repositories and publishing them to GitHub
RedRug: a simplified Markdown parser and renderer library front end for RedCarpet, with both sanitized and unsanitized API methods, and a command line utility front end
Versionize: a very simple software version number handling library
- Steering Committee Member (Feb 2014 to Present)
project roadmap advisor for co-operative nonprofit corporation
TechRepublic Contributor (Telecommute)
I contributed articles on a regular schedule covering matters of both principle and practical utility, on technical subjects. I maintained community engagement, minimized staff copy editing, and thoroughly tested solutions against real-world conditions. This ultimately culminated in a corpus of hundreds of articles, on a fourteen articles per month schedule, that exceeded expectations for depth of analysis.
Host/Lead Contributor, IT Security (Aug 2007 to Jul 2011)
Regular Contributor, Linux and Open Source (Sep 2010 to Jul 2011)
Regular Contributor, Programming and Development (Sep 2010 to Jul 2011)
Contributing Writer, General Articles (Dec 2005 to Aug 2007)
Wikimedia Foundation (St. Petersburg and Tampa, FL)
Datacenter Technician and System Administrator (Jan 2005 to Aug 2005)
I was the first paid employee of the Wikimedia Foundation and sole on-site admin and technician for a network of 20-30 servers with a distributed, remote team of volunteer sysadmins. I installed, configured, and supported hardware and software, in a network including Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and SuSE systems.
Data Based Technologies (Greater Tampa Bay Area, FL)
Small/Medium Business IT and Security Consultant (June 2003 to Aug 2005)
I performed IT network and systems tasks as needed, from architecture and deployment to critical recovery and customization tasks. I served primary software development and new technologies research/testing roles for the consultancy. I established and served as lead for both in-house and client information security specialization, expanding revenue streams so that the majority of my work involved security disaster mitigation and recovery with comprehensive security improvement recommendations suited to client needs and budgets.